Man in helmet riding a scooter.

轻便摩托车、踏板车、电动自行车 & 摩托车的差异

Find out the differences between a moped, scooter & e-bike — do they need 摩托车 insurance and a license?

易用性, 更低的耗气量, 更少的维护和灵活的尺寸:人们可能会考虑电动两轮车的选择,如滑板车, mopeds and e-bikes for driving short distances. Before making a decision, 您可能想了解它们和摩托车之间的区别,并熟悉管理这四种摩托车的规则. And more importantly, if they require a 摩托车 insurance policy 或者驾驶执照.

What’s the difference between a moped, scooter, e-bike and 摩托车?


之所以叫这个名字,是因为它是一辆带马达的自行车(字面意思是一种电动脚踏车)。, today's mopeds have a step-through frame (with or without pedals), 小轮子(通常是10英寸),有一个50cc (cee-cee是motor -speak for立方厘米)或更小的马达.



踏板车(电动踏板车)有和助力车一样的跨步式框架和更小的轮子, but a more powerful motor — 50cc - 250cc. 滑板车通常有自动变速器,配有车灯、转向灯和喇叭.

踏板车提供了更高的最高速度和良好的汽油里程优越的机动性. 例如, a 150cc scooter has a top speed of 60 mph and may get up to 70 mpg, while a 250cc scooter can reach 75 mph but might get fewer than 60 mpg. However, you may not be able to use a scooter on the freeway. Check with your local DMV regarding size or horsepower minimums.




T在这里 are different types of e-bikes:

  • Class 1: Motor activates when the rider is peddling. The motor is also capped at 20 miles per hour.
  • 二级:与一级相同,但电机可以推动骑手而不需要任何叫卖.
  • 3级:与1级相同,但有一个速度计,电机限速为每小时28英里.

If you think an e-bike is right for you, review some of our 电动自行车安全提示.


The bike's design is what distinguishes a 摩托车. The engine and gas tank are forward and between the driver's knees. 摩托车通常有手动变速器,驾驶员需要使用离合器和换挡. 摩托车通常有16英寸的轮胎,驾驶员坐直,背部与路面垂直.


Do you need insurance for a moped, 踏板车或电动自行车?

Coverage will depend on which you purchase. 轻便摩托车, 电动自行车和踏板车可能需要责任pp王者电子官网,每个州的要求可能不同. 你也可以选择增加一般包括破坏行为的综合pp王者电子官网, 盗窃或风暴损坏. 联系 your local insurance agent 确认.

房主政策 可能提供有限的责任和pp王者电子官网范围,为潜在的财产损失或盗窃为您的摩托车, 电动自行车或轻便摩托车. But criteria such as cost of replacement, 零件的成本和电机的尺寸可能需要他们有一个单独的政策. 与你的代理人讨论你的房屋政策可能涵盖这些车辆.


Your state regulates licensing requirements. Check local regulations; they may vary from one locale to the next, 每个机动两轮车的驾驶年龄和要求可能不同. 你所在的州可能会提供两轮车教育课程和/或要求技能测试.


你需要驾照吗 to drive a moped?

If the engine is 49cc or less, many states require only a 车辆 driver’s license or driver’s permit. 如果摩托车的发动机容量为50cc或以上,则可能需要摩托车执照. Please check your state’s licensing requirements.

你需要驾照吗 to drive a 49cc scooter?

踏板车 laws are similar to mopeds, 在哪里,49cc以下的滑板车可以用机动车驾照骑. 在许多州,当摩托车的排量大于等于50cc时,需要摩托车驾照. Please check your state’s licensing requirements.


许多州都要求 头盔 for motorcyclists under a certain age. 如果不需要,请考虑为您和您的乘客使用头盔,以增加安全. Check your state and local laws for helmet regulations.

What are some rules of the road?

  • 轻便摩托车和电动自行车: 较慢的速度意味着在高速公路上行驶是不合法的,最好是在低速限制的道路上在城镇周围短途旅行.
  • 摩托车: Depending on engine size, 如果你所在的地区允许的话,它们可以走得更快,并可能加入高速公路交通. 然而,在较短的距离上使用滑板车可能比在高速公路上更好,因为你会和别人共用一条路 larger and heavier 车辆s 速度快得多.

Regardless of what you’re riding, 机动车辆和其他车辆一样,需要遵守同样的交通和安全法规. 状态s like California also prohibit passengers on mopeds and e-bikes. 此外,大多数城市禁止在人行道和步道上使用它们. Check with your local DMV for any specific rules in your area.


虽然两轮车可能更省油,但它们的排放可能不那么出色. 根据 齿轮迷, 摩托车s from the 2000s produce over 3,000% more nitric oxide and over 8,000% more carbon monoxide than their 车辆 counterparts. Today, many are manufactured with emission-reducing technology. If emissions are important to you, ask before you buy.

If you are in the market for a moped, 踏板车或电动自行车, understand the differences between them, the rules of the road and the requirements of your state. Also consider talking to a 状态 Farm®代理 about what the best coverage for your new ride is, whether it is 房主, 摩托车 or another type of policy. And don't forget to consider 责任pp王者电子官网 and learn about the additional protection it may provide.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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